Promotional graphic for 'Your Teen's Career Compass' program by DNA True North. Image features a young man with a backpack, holding a compass in a forest, symbolizing guidance in finding career direction and purpose for teenagers.

Raising your child to be equipped for life, finding their career compass

June 01, 20243 min read

Don't count the things you do, do the things that count!” - Zig Ziglar

Promotional graphic for 'Your Teen's Career Compass' program by DNA True North. Image features a young man with a backpack, holding a compass in a forest, symbolizing guidance in finding career direction and purpose for teenagers.

Raising your child to be equipped for life starts with them able to answer: "Who am I?" and "Why am I here?"

Few grown adults have figured that out, and settling theses questions will most definitely give your child a head start in life.

Anchoring your child so that they feel they belong, are worthy and competent is key to them making choices about their career and will serve as a compass. Focusing on these three values will enable them to see a change in direction as a stepping stone, rather than failure. It will also empower them to take a risk at trying something new until it works. That being said, part of the journey to is to eliminate the obvious and unnecessary hurdles under your guidance and direction.

It is every parent’s dream to see their child/ren flourish as an adult with responsibility, accountability, integrity, leadership, resilience, passion and spiritual wholeness so that they can not only lead fulfilling lives but make a positive contribution to their community by just being their authentic selves.

What are you prepared to pay for the above outcome?

Are you prepared to lay down you own preferences and preconceived ideas or traditions of which career path they should take?

Are you prepared to step back and guide, to be their greatest cheerleader and coach rather than a critical spectator?

Any good coach has a goal and game strategy for the team to achieve it – likewise both parent and child work towards the same goal by applying the game plan. What does it look like in practice?

  • Coaches know their players strengths and weaknesses

              Parents and teens should know their strength and weaknesses

  • Coaches extract player’s hidden potential

         Parents facilitate process of unlocking true potential

  • Coaches push and stretch players to shine

              Parents invest in  growing their character

  • Coaches help align the relationship between passion, potential, purpose, performance, giftedness and character.

              Parents guide and support teens into discovery of their significant purpose

If it doesn’t work, change the game plan but never the GOAL.

I hear you saying, but Sonja – not everybody is a coach…

And that’s why you can hire a coach or join a club.  You can partner with myself, DNA True North Transformational Purpose Coach and enroll in the Pathfinder Program which forms part of interventions. This assessment goes beyond traditional aptitude tests by incorporating a holistic view, providing deep insights into your teen's personality, strengths, and potential, offering a comprehensive understanding of where their true capabilities lie. This initiative is designed like a super coach to help young individuals uncover their passions and align them with viable career paths. It offers a strategic ‘game plan’ and goals that simplify the decision-making process, making it less intimidating for both teens and parents. This process fosters a sense of ownership and confidence, helping them to answer, “Who am I and Why am I here?” which is crucial as they transition into adulthood.

Encouraging your teen to explore various opportunities and embrace their individuality can lead to a more fulfilling and successful career journey, whilst positively impacting their influence sphere.

Game on, let’s play!

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Sonjalizél Chadwick, known as Sonja, is a seasoned professional with a diverse background spanning finance, education, tourism, and sports. Sonja's leadership, organizational, and communication skills shined through her roles as instructor, bookkeeper, tourism manager, personality profile trainer, homeschool mom and life coach. She has excelled in training people to become upstanding leaders, unlocking hidden potential and motivating them to leaving a legacy behind rather than a memory. Her commitment to excellence and high moral standards, coupled with her adaptability and flexibility, make her a valuable asset in any role. Overcoming various personal challenges showcases her grit, tenacity leading those under her influence to victory. Currently, she operates as a DNA True North Transformational Purpose coach in her own business, Life Redefined.

Sonja Chadwick

Sonjalizél Chadwick, known as Sonja, is a seasoned professional with a diverse background spanning finance, education, tourism, and sports. Sonja's leadership, organizational, and communication skills shined through her roles as instructor, bookkeeper, tourism manager, personality profile trainer, homeschool mom and life coach. She has excelled in training people to become upstanding leaders, unlocking hidden potential and motivating them to leaving a legacy behind rather than a memory. Her commitment to excellence and high moral standards, coupled with her adaptability and flexibility, make her a valuable asset in any role. Overcoming various personal challenges showcases her grit, tenacity leading those under her influence to victory. Currently, she operates as a DNA True North Transformational Purpose coach in her own business, Life Redefined.

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